Chinese Drywall
Blogging Got Me Interviewed On TV
At 11:15 this morning my phone rings. It was Melanie Alnwick, a news reporter for Fox 5 News here in Washington. She is doing a report on Chinese Drywall and ran across my blogs. She liked them enough to call me.
"Can we meet somewhere for a taped interview? I want you to show me how you would go about checking for Chinese Drywall."
She spoke with me for a while, I think to see if I could speak well without a teleprompter! Satisfied, we set up a visit for 1pm at my next inspection site.
It turns out that my next inspection was with Realtor friend, Brian Block. But we needed to meet an hour earlier than Brian and I had scheduled. Fortunately he was gracious enough to make this happen and the piece was taped.
The taping took about 30 minutes. Of that they used about 40 seconds for the spot! I thought that was generous as I, for sure, was not the subject of the piece.
The link to the reporter, her show, an article about this problem and the TV spot is here:
But you are welcome to simply watch the spot below. Enjoy! It is only 2 minutes, 40 seconds.