Chinese Drywall - Problem Manufacturers Identified

An official list has been developed as regards the continuing investigation of problematic Chinese Drywall.  The list is important.  It identifies manufacturers whose drywall produces drywalls with emission rates of hydrogen sulfide 100 times greater than non-Chinese drywall samples.  Such levels are dangerous medically and corrosive chemically. 

This list finally gives contractors and home inspectors, consumers and homeowners, who are experiencing problems with these various drywalls, names that they can look for on stamps in the back side.

A CPSC press release lists the following manufacturers:

* Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.: (year of manufacture 2005) China

* Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2006) China

* Shandong Taihe Dongxin Co.: (2005) China

* Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.: (2006) China

* Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2005) China

* Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2006) China

* Shandong Chenxiang GBM Co. Ltd. (C&K Gypsum Board): (2006) China

* Beijing New Building Materials (BNBM): (2009) China

* Taian Taishan Plasterboard Co. Ltd.: (2009) China

* Shandong Taihe Dongxin Co.: (2009) China

The list is significant.  It goes a long way toward helping homeowners with problem identification.  For sure many already know.  But this is a great list.

You should know, there are other manufacturers of Chinese Drywall, in conjunction with American drywall manufacturers, that have produced products without such hydogen sulfide levels.  This list is:

Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin: (2009) China; Tiger ***ShiGao JianCai***liangpianzhuang: (2006) China; USG Corporation: (2009) U.S.; Guangdong Knauf New Building Material Products Co. Ltd.: (2009) China; 3/8" drywall manufacturer uncertain (date uncertain): China; Knauf Plasterboard (Wuhu) Co. Ltd.: (2009) China; CertainTeed Corp.: (2009) U.S.; Georgia Pacific Corp.: (2009) U.S.; Dragon Brand, Beijing New Building Materials Co. Ltd.: (2006) China; CertainTeed Corp.: (2009) U.S.; Pingyi Baier Building Materials Co. Ltd.: (2009) China; Sample purchased in China, manufacturer unknown: (2009) China; Panel Rey S.A.: (2009) Mexico; Lafarge North America: (2009) U.S.; National Gypsum Company: (2009) U.S.; National Gypsum Company: (2009) U.S.; Georgia Pacific Corp.: (2009) U.S.; Pabco Gypsum: (2009) U.S.; Temple-Inland Inc.: (2009) U.S.; and USG Corporation: (2009) U.S.

Pay attention to the dates of manufacture, as they are important to the idenfication process.

My recommendation:  Write these lists down, and check your house.  And if you suspect that you have a problem drywall, make plans to eliminate it and everything in your house affected by it.  I wouldn't wait on any gubment to come to your aid...

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Jay performs inspections Monday through Saturday, throughout Northern Virginia, from his office in Bristow to Leesburg and Centreville, to Great Falls and Vienna and everywhere in between!