Steven Turetsky (not verified) | Sun, 05/10/2009 - 02:54

Hi Jay,

How are you doing? Your website is really nice. It gave me a few ideas. I noticed that you work all over Northern Virginia. The areas you have listed are Bristow, Arlington, Herndon, Springfield, Ashburn, and Woodbridge. I'm not too familiar with these areas, but for a number of years, my brother lived in Fairfax. I enjoyed visiting him. Virginia is beautiful. I can see a good home inspector being busy. Are you anywhere near Fairfax?

I found your blog about Infrared Thermal Imaging very interesting and formative. I can tell that you are an expert Thermographer. I'm thinking about purchasing an IR Cam. Infrared thermal imaging is a great tool. Beside incorporating it into my home inspections, I have a particular intrest in adding thermal imaging to my EIFS inspections ( I am also an EDI Certified EIFS Inspector).

By the way, I live in New York. The areas that I do home inspections and certified EIFS inspections in are Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Long Island. Have you ever been to Staten Island?

Well, goodnight for now, check out my websites:

Steven Turetsky


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Jay performs inspections Monday through Saturday, throughout Northern Virginia, from his office in Bristow to Leesburg and Centreville, to Great Falls and Vienna and everywhere in between!